Our Hospitality & Tourism Solutions

Manage every aspect of your property with the power of IoT

For hotels, motels, resorts, and cruise ships, monitoring every aspect of the property is imperative. CalChip Connect provides leading-edge solutions for safety, risk management, cost efficiency, and most of all, guest satisfaction.

We connect the IoT dots to provide:

  • Environmental monitoring including temperature, humidity, and water leaks to provide constant feedback in every corner of your property
  • Access monitoring and guest counting to keep you informed of guest and staff activity from pools and restaurants to elevators and meeting rooms
  • Staff and guest monitoring to provide or restrict access, and ensure maximum safety around the property
  • Occupancy monitoring to let security and cleaning staff know when a room is or isn’t occupied
  • Noise monitoring to keep security informed and guests happy
  • Food safety solutions to safeguard hot and cold food chains in restaurants, bars, and mobile food units
  • Pest control with smart monitoring traps that stop rodents in their tracks
  • Asset tracking to help prevent theft while monitoring valuables
  • Predictive maintenance monitoring that assures all service intervals are met from HVAC to restaurant equipment to pool pumps
  • Help buttons to provide a fast, immediate, and reliable way for guests and staff to contact your property so that you can properly respond to any situation
  • Waste management monitoring to know the fill status of every public waste and recycling bin
  • Peace-of-mind with real-time status and alerts through mobile and desktop applications

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